Directory of zip and tar package


zip package for Windows

SuperMap iServer provides the zip package with 32 and 64 bits for users to use on Windows system. For Windowss X64 operating system, a complete zip package and a deploy-version zip package are provided. And the deploy-version package doesn't contain samplecode, help documentation and client development kit.

The zip package for SuperMap iServer includes the following contents:

agenthome folder: including configuration file and data when starting SuperMap iServer in the way of Agent.

bin folder: including script files for starting and stopping the Tomcat service, etc. On Windows, use startup.bat to start service.

conf folder: including configuration file for Tomcat and related file-type definitions.

docs folder: including help and e-books of SuperMap iServer. The deploy-version package doesn't contain these contents.And the help links to SuperMap resource center.

iClient folder: SuperMap iClient series, such as forJavaScript, forFlash, for 3D and so on.

lib folder: including .jar files that Tomcat needs.

licenses folder: including licenses and statements of open source libraries used by SuperMap iServer.

logs folder: including logs about the process of starting and running SuperMap iServer and Tomcat.

samples folder: including sample code and sample data for SuperMap iServer. deploy-version package doesn't contain samples folder.

support folder: including the bin folder of SuperMap iObjects Java and JRE, License configuration tool.

temp folder: including temporary files for Tomcat.

webapps folder: the folder for deploying SuperMap iServer. The subfolder, iserver, contains jars, config files, etc., depended by iServer.

license.txt file: User License Agreement for SuperMap iServer.

readme.txt file: SuperMap iServer Readme file, including installation instructions, new features, etc.

SuperMap_iServer_10i(2020)_Readme_Windows_CHS/ENG.pdf file: Readme file of SuperMap iServer.

BUILD_* file: The version of SuperMap iServer (identified by *).

Other files are about Tomcat license, statement, etc.

tar package for Linux

After executing "tar -zxvf *.tar.gz" command to uncompress the SuperMap iServer 64 bit product (for Linux), you'll get a folder named "supermap_iserver_*_linux64". Please refter to zip Package for Windows for the contents of which. And the readme file is SuperMap_iServer_10i(2020)_Readme_Linux_CHS.pdf.

SuperMap iServer also provides light-weight deploy-version package which doesn't contain any sample code, sample data, help doc or client development tools.

tar package for AIX

SuperMap iServer providers the 64 bits tar package for users to use on AIX x64 system. After executing commands in order: "gunzip *.tar.gz", "tar -xvf *.tar", for uncompressing the SuperMap iServer tar Package (for AIX), you'll get a folder named "supermap_iserver_*_aix64". It includes:

After executing to complete the installation, you'll get a folder named "supermap_iserver_*_aix64". Please refter to zip Package for Windows for the contents of which. And the readme file is SuperMap_iServer_10i(2020)_Readme_AIX_CHS.pdf.