Coordinate Reference System Supported by SuperMap OGC services |
iServer OGC service supports coordinate reference system of data itself including customized coordinate reference system, plane coordinate reference system without the projection, as well as GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326) and PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857).
wms support releasing data as its own coordinate system, as well as services of GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326) and PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857).
The following is a part of descriptive information of layer of Capabilities getting from releasing data as WMS1.1.1.
<Layer queryable="0">
<LatLonBoundingBox minx="101.00104501270164" miny="29.108746158332032" maxx="102.49468614441378" maxy="30.801431984693334"/>
<BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:2331" minx="1.769474136236768E7" miny="3226210.58381243" maxx="1.783465458282853E7" maxy="3410732.229039194"/>
<BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:4326" minx="101.00104501270164" miny="29.108746158332032" maxx="102.49468614441378" maxy="30.801431984693334"/>
<BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3857" minx="1.124338490040245E7" miny="3389494.278391975" maxx="1.1409656270612534E7" maxy="3606988.0680702687"/>
In which, EPSG: 2331 is the projected coordinate system of data itself, that is xian_1980_GK_Zone_17.
The following is a part of descriptive information of layer of Capabilities getting from releasing data as WMS1.3.0.
<Layer queryable="0">
<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:2331" minx="1.769474136236768E7" miny="3226210.58381243" maxx="1.783465458282853E7" maxy="3410732.229039194"/>
<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:4326" minx="29.108746158332032" miny="101.00104501270164" maxx="30.801431984693334" maxy="102.49468614441378"/>
<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:3857" minx="1.124338490040245E7" miny="3389494.278391975" maxx="1.1409656270612534E7" maxy="3606988.0680702687"/>
<BoundingBox CRS="CRS:84" minx="101.00104501270164" miny="29.108746158332032" maxx="102.49468614441378" maxy="30.801431984693334"/>
In which, EPSG: 2331 is the projected coordinate system of data itself, that is xian_1980_GK_Zone_17.
The following is a part of descriptive information of layer of Capabilities getting from releasing sample data "Changchun" as WMS1.1.1.
<Layer queryable="0">
<Title>Changchun City Map</Title>
<LatLonBoundingBox minx="-180.0" miny="-90.0" maxx="180.0" maxy="90.0"/>
<BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:0" minx="47.50659941425996" miny="-7668.982931642738" maxx="8958.850874968857" maxy="-30.556889912759743"/>
In which, EPSG: 0 indicates that the data is plane coordinate reference system without projection.
The following is a part of descriptive information of layer of Capabilities getting from releasing sample data "Changchun" as WMS1.3.0.
<Layer queryable="0">
<Title>Changchun City Map</Title>
<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:0" minx="48.39718933631297" miny="-7668.245292074532" maxx="8958.850874968857" maxy="-55.577652310411075"/>
In which, EPSG: 0 indicates that the data is plane coordinate reference system without projection.
wmts support releasing data as its own coordinate system, as well as GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326) and PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857).
The following is a part of descriptive information of layer of Capabilities getting from http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/map-china400/wmts100.
<ows:WGS84BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:2:84">
<ows:LowerCorner>-180.0 -85.0511287798065</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>180.0 85.05112877980648</ows:UpperCorner>
<ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::3857">
<ows:LowerCorner>-2.0037508342789244E7 -2.003750834278914E7</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>2.0037508342789244E7 2.0037508342789095E7</ows:UpperCorner>
In which, EPSG: 3857 indicates that the data is PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR.
The following is a part of descriptive information of layer of Capabilities getting from releasing data as WMTS1.0.0.
<Layer queryable="0">
<ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::2331">
<ows:LowerCorner>1.769474136236768E7 3226210.58381243</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>1.783465458282853E7 3410732.229039194</ows:UpperCorner>
<ows:WGS84BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:2:84">
<ows:LowerCorner>101.00104501270164 29.108746158332032</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>102.49468614441378 30.801431984693334</ows:UpperCorner>
<ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC::3857">
<ows:LowerCorner>1.124338490040245E7 3389494.278391975</ows:LowerCorner>
<ows:UpperCorner>1.1409656270612534E7 3606988.0680702687</ows:UpperCorner>
In which, EPSG: 2331 is the projected coordinate system of data itself, that is xian_1980_GK_Zone_17.
wfs supports releasing data as its own coordinate system.
The following is a part of descriptive information of layer of FeatureType getting from releasing data as WFS1.0.0.
<LatLongBoundingBox minx="101.0010450127939" miny="29.108746158741127" maxx="102.49468614459349" maxy="30.801431985186873"/>
In which, EPSG: 2331 is the projected coordinate system of data itself, that is xian_1980_GK_Zone_17.
wcs supports releasing data as its own coordinate system, as well as GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326) and PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857).
Here is a part of descriptive information of Contents of DescribeCoverage getting from releasing data as WCS1.1.1.
In which, EPSG: 21420 is the projected coordinate system of data itself, that is PCS_Beijing_Gauss_zone_20.