GetTile Request


SuperMap iServer WMTS server provides the implementing of REST and KVP, that is, two methods of GetTile request:

KVP encoding request

Request Parameters

The KVP encoding request of GetTile operation should specify the server and version parameters, see on the following:

Table 1 KVP request paraneters of GetTile

ParameterName Whether it is required Description


Service type.

Request WMTS service and shall be "WMTS".



Request names.

Requests the GetCapabilities operation, and the request name needs to be set as "GetCapabilities".



Version numbers.

Now the version number of WMTS is 1.0.0.



The name of request layer.

Mandatory and only.




Style requested must be listed in Capabilities documents. Now SuperMap iServer only provides the default style, so the value can be ignored or set as default.




The mandatory and only resource format that want to. SuperMap iServer current supports png format.



Tile matrix set.

Mandatory and only.



Tile matrix set.

Mandatory and only.



Tile rows requested.

Row values of the tile matrix are 0, 1... MatrixHeight-1 successively from the top to the bottom.



Tile rows requested.

Column values of the tile matrix are 0, 1... MatrixWidth-1 successively from the left to the right.

Request example

Request methods of the GetCapabilities operation are as follows:


For example, after local SuperMap iServer starting WMTS 1.0.0 service successfully, URI requesting GetTile resource is: http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/map-world/wmts100?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&Layer=World+Map&Style=default&Format=image/png&TileMatrixSet=GlobalCRS84Scale_World+Map&TileMatrix=2&TileRow=0&TileCol=0.

Please refer to Response example to see the result.

REST request

Resource and URI.

The REST of GetCapabilities operation corresponding to ServiceMetadata resource through get request and the two request URI of ServiceMetadata resources shown on the following:



ServiceRoot is the root URI of the service, please see Setting the Service URI. Format is the output format of the pictures, and the format SuperMap iServer supporting now is png.

Request Parameters

The service metadata document of the resource-oriented framework contains a list of layer elements, and each layer element consists of one or multiple part element of <ResourceURL>, using to specify URI template accessing Tile resources. <ResourceURL> contains three attributes of Format, ResourceType and Template. According to specified formats in Template, gives specific URI, that is, can standardize HTTP Get way to request Tile resources. Specific descriptions of three attributes of <ResourceURL> are shown in the table below:

Table 2 required URI parameters for the request of Tile resources

ParameterName Description
Format Format. Resource format intending to acquire, and must be sole.
ResourceType Resource Type. Be tile here.
Template URI template. See Table 2 for specific contents.

Table 3 URL Template parameters

ParameterName Description
Layer Layer name requested. Must be sole.
Style Style. Style requested must be listed in Capabilities documents. Now SuperMap iServer only provides the default style, so the value can be ignored or set as default.
Dimension Identifier of dimensions. If defining multiple dimensions, it must define a Dimension element for each dimension. Now SuperMap iServer doesn't support the function of multiple dimensions.
TileMatrixSet Name of tile matrix set, must exist and be sole.
TileMatrix Tile matrix, must exist and be sole.
TileRow Tile rows requested, and row values of the tile matrix are 0, 1... MatrixHeight-1 successively from the top to the bottom.
TileCol Tile column requested, and column values of the tile matrix are 0, 1... MatrixWidth-1 successively from the left to the right.

Request example

For example, after local SuperMap iServer starting WMTS 1.0.0 service successfully, URI requesting ServiceMetadata resource is: http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/map-world/wmts100/World+Map/default/GlobalCRS84Scale_World+Map/2/0/0.png.

Please refer to Response example to see the result.