Transaction Request |
Transaction operation achieved through a POST request to insert, update and delete metadata. The request body is XML format. The main node elements are described as follows:
Table 1 the Node Elements of Transaction Operation Request
Request Parameters | O/M | Description |
<Transaction> | Mandatory | A Transaction element include 0 or several <Insert>,<Update> or <Delete> element to insert, update or delete metadata. Allow <Transaction> element is empty, that is, this element does not contain other elements, then Transaction operation does not make sense. |
<Insert> | No | O/M
when inserting metadata.
The catalog metadata to be inserted need to comply with encoding rules defined by ISO19139 standard or National Mapping Metadata Standard (SMMD2007) to describe. One <Insert>element could only insert one metadata. |
<Update> | No | O/M
when updating metadata. TypeName parameter is used to specify the information model object type to be updated.
One <Update> element may contain one or more <RecordProperty>element to specify the metadata attributes (<Name>element) and attribute value (<Value>element) to be updated. Without <Value>element this attribute will be given a null value. The <Update> element includes one or more <Constraint>elements defining the scope of the metadata to be updated. See request sample. |
<Delete> | No | O/M
when deleting metadata. TypeName parameter is used to specify the information model object type to be deleted. E.g., Record model of csw ogc.
Specify the metadata to be deleted using <Constraint> element. The metadata could be one or more. |
In this example, operate three times Transaction for CSW services. First insert a new metadata, then update the metadata, and finally delete this metadata. That is, request the following address http://localhost:8090/iserver/services.csw?request=Transaction&version=2.0.2 by POST method, the following are the transmission request body:
Execute POST request, the request body is:
Execute POST request, the request body is:
Execute POST request, the request body is: