GetDomain Request


Request Parameters

GetDomain operation obeys HTTP protocol. The client sends request to server, and the main request parameters are shown as follows:

Table 1 Main parameters of GetDomain operation request

Request Parameters O/M Description


Service type.

Request CSW service,request type should be set as CSW.



The request operation name.

Request GetDomain operation, the request name should be set as "GetDomain".



Supported version.

The service version should be set as "2.0.2".

Note: The case of parameters is not mandatory, and request parameters can be arranged in an arbitrary order.

GET Request

Get request method of GetDomain operation is shown as follows:


ServiceRoot is the service URI root directory. Please see Setting the Service URI.

GetDomain operation obeys HTTP protocol, e.g., after the local SuperMap iServer CSW 2.0.2 service is started successfully, the URI address of accessing the Execute operation is :http://localhost:8090/iserver/services.csw?SERVICE=CSW&REQUEST=GetDomain&VERSION=2.0.2

POST Request

Post request method of GetDomain operation is shown as follows:

GetDomain operation obeys HTTP protocol, the client uses POST method to send request. E.g., after the local SuperMap iServer CSW 2.0.2 service is started successfully, the URI of accessing the Execute operation is: http://localhost:8090/iserver/services.csw?SERVICE=CSW&REQUEST=GetDomain&VERSION=2.0.2

The request body is shown as follows:

Please refer to Response sample